Ep. 61 - Bill and Steve’s Floating Fen Foray (featuring the WNY Land Conservancy)

Ep. 61 - Bill and Steve’s Floating Fen Foray (featuring the WNY Land Conservancy)

This month, Bill and Steve visit Floating Fen, although some might call it a bog, or is it a swamp? Thankfully, they’re joined by Erik Danielson, Stewardship Coordinator of the Western NY Land Conservancy (WNYLC), who schools them on the difference between these wetlands. Erik and the WNYLC are trying to preserve Floating Fen, a property home to a unique wetland, extraordinary wildlife, and a diverse forest. Erik guides Bill and Steve through the fen, discussing just what makes a bog a bog and a fen a fen, as well as what makes these peatlands such amazing habitats.