nature humor

Ep. 48 - Eat Sh*t and Live, Bill (Part 2)

Ep. 48 - Eat Sh*t and Live, Bill (Part 2)

Now that Bill’s done droning on about animals, we can finally talk about PLANTS! and CARNIVOROUS plants at that. Steve reviews carnivorous plants in general and then breaks into examples of carnivorous plants that have evolved to eat poop: Roridula spp. in South Africa, Sarracenia purpurea in North America, & Nepenthes spp. in Southeast Asia.

Ep. 48 - Eat Sh*t and Live, Bill (Part 1)

Ep. 48 - Eat Sh*t and Live, Bill (Part 1)

With the high-end guests we’ve recently had on, we’re concerned that the podcast is getting a bit too classy. So, this month, we’re getting down and dirty, delving into the delightful topic of defecation. Specifically, animals and plants that eat poop. We know, it seems gross. We thought so, too. But once we started exploring this surprisingly common behavior (called coprophagy), we were amazed at what we uncovered!